Have you ever gone out with someone you really liked but you never heard from her after the date? Did you ever text a woman to schedule another date and she didn’t reply? Here are 10 reasons why you might have asked a woman out again and she wasn’t interested.

1. Zero Chemistry

Chemistry isn’t something that can be explained. We can think you have all the qualities of someone we want to date, but we just didn’t feel a connection. You didn’t do anything wrong, we just weren’t feeling it. If the connection wasn’t there, chances are we won’t be too excited to go out with you again.

2. You’re Needy

Women like attention. We adore it when you make us feel special. However, that doesn’t mean we want you to text us so often that we have to create a customized text tone for you. Check in with us, but don’t text us all day. If you act needy, we won’t be too eager to see you again.

3. She Met Someone Else

When we went out with you, we thought you were pretty great. We had a nice time and hoped you would ask us out again. And then… we met someone else the next night that we liked better. Even though we had a good date with you, the next guy was our favorite. Don’t take it personally, we didn’t mean to forget about you.

5. You Bored Us

Women value personality more than looks. We want to date someone who’s really, really awesome. When we’re on a date, we want you to be the talker. We don’t want to lead the conversation and have to ask all of the questions. If you were shy and a little quiet, we might not have been so into you. We want to date someone charismatic who tries to get to know us.

6. No Future Here

Often, we go on a date and we had a nice time, but we just didn’t see a future with you. We have an idea of the type of man we want to take home to mom and dad. You could be a total catch, but if we didn’t see ourselves planning our wedding on pinterest with you as the groom, we’re not likely to go out with you again.

7. No Sexy Time

Many times we might go out with a man and have a terrific time, but we just weren’t sexually attracted to him. We enjoyed talking to him but we didn’t imagine ourselves being intimate with him. We put him in the friend zone from the moment he said hello. If there was no sexual chemistry, the possibility of another date are slim to none.

8. You’re Not Ready

Not everyone is ready for a relationship. A man can say he is, but deep down, he’s not done playing the field. As mature, strong individuals, we’ve dated enough to know that going out with someone who isn’t ready is a waste of our time (and yours!). If you’re not relationship ready, no hard feelings, we just don’t want to be pursued by you.

9. You’re Not Really Available

Some men don’t realize that they come off as unavailable, but they do. They talk about how they work 24/7 and have client dinners almost every night. We want to date someone who’s able to make us a priority. If you come off as too busy, the chances of a second date aren’t so good. Life is too short to be seeing someone who can’t give us 100 percent.

10. You’re Friend-less

Women want to date a man who has a life. We don’t want you to always rely on us for social plans. We expect you to have a few friends. We want to know that if we’re busy one night, you’re not going to be sitting at home on your couch making us feel guilty for being out. If you have no friends, we’re definitely going to wonder why. Sadly, if you’re friend-less, we won’t be so inclined to see you again.